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tiếp theo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The traditional manager listens up the organization and talks down the organization.The new millennium manager talks up the organization and listens down the organization .In the knowledge organization, the good knowledge, ideas and creativity come from the bottom of the organization ,not the top. Planning and coordination still reside at the top, but, to be competitive , an organization must use the latest technology available .That typically resides with the younger,newer employees.

The manager’s responsibility is to identify organization requirements, recognize where solutions exist amongst subordinates, and communicate these solutions up the oranization.

Up the organization , the new millennium manager :
• Talks , communicates, connects her department and its capabilities with the needs of the organization.She identifies growth opportunities for her subordinates.
• Sells her individual subordinates and team’s skills and capabilities to other departments and higher level managers .
• Presents ideas generated within her organization to other departments and higher levels in the organization.
• Builds a network that will be useful to your organization and subordinates development.

Down the organization, the new millennium manager:

• Listens to subordinates ideas,needs and problems .He provides guidance on the needs of the organization and how subordinates can take advantage of their skills to slove probplems .
• Facilitates team development, cross training and the combination of skills to solve problems .
• Teaches , trains, educates and learns. The manager uses his subordinates more current knowledge to upgrade his own skills and provides training resources to improve and maximize the skill of subordinates.
• Builds teamwork and leadership skills amongst subordinates.


W.Edwards Deming, the guru of quality, believed that the annual performance review as practiced by most companies was one of the most destructive activities performed by an organization.He believe that if a manager had to wait until the end of the year to tell an employee how she was doing ,it didn’t speak very well about communication in the organization. Among the other points he made:

• Annual performance reviews generate risk averse behavior .No risk ,no failures, no low ratings on the 0 – 10 scale in the performance review .Set the performance goals as low as your boss allows and make them easily .
• Annual performance reviews reward working within the system, not improving the system.Once goals are set, success or failure in the performance review will be measured on those goals.Initiative becomes irrelevant.
• The performance review becomes an exercise in pleasing the boss .Find out what she likes and parrot it back to her .Reminds you of University ,doesn’t it?
• Once performance goals are set ,the employee focuses on maximizing performance against the output measures .Quality and actual organizational improvement are forgotten.
• When an employee is trying to look better than others for an upcoming performance review (“Rank yor employees from best to worst”), teamwork goes out the window .Backbiting becomes the order of the day .
• Finally ,Deming believed that truly objective rating is impossible ,especially over the period of a year .Everyone had good days and bad days ,successes and failures,good ideas and not so good ideas .

Is there a better method ? Should annual performance review be abolished ? There is and that probaly won’t happen.The new millennium manager establishes good communications and makes every day a performance review ,focusing on current performance of current activities and ways of improving and growing.The annual performance review then becomes forward looking ,not backward looking .After a brief summary of the previous year (“Do we both have a clear understanding of how you have performed and where you are ? Do you have any questions before we to on ?”),the “review” should focus on goals and expectations of both manager and subordinate for the coming year .


Often in my career, I have had a manager complain to me that he can’t accomplish anything because he has no capable .It always makes me wonder who hires all these incompetent people ?Does the company have an “Incompetent People Acquisition Committee” somewhere making sure the quality of the company employees doesn’t exceed a certain level ?

In most organizations the manager is ultimately responsible for hiring and developing his own subordinates.If his employees are not capable ,the manager has no one to blame but himself.The quality of subordinates is the manager’s performance review.Here are some points to make the new millennium manager’s performance review a good one.

• Hide the best-people are an investment.Spend the time(…and money) it takes to hire people.Don’t abdicate your responsibility to Human Resources Departments, personality profiles or background checks.There are important, but supplemental.Your reputation rests on the people you hire.
• On hired ,provide your employees with opportunities for growth.Training is an investment, not an expense.I’ve noticed that companies who don’t believe in training often use the excuse that trained employeees will leave and the money will be wasted.I’ve also noticed that companies that believe in training do close people, but somehow they manage to stay profitable and on top of their industry anyway.
• Challenge your employees and give them experience.Let them lead tems,author reports, make presentations to top management.Give them the opportunity to fail,it is a great learning experience.
• Encourage promotion and transfer.If employees see opportunity for growth in your organization,you will attract the best.Employees that move on will become a part of your ever-expanding network.The constant flow of new, high quality employees will generate a constant flow of new technology and ideas.


No one would fight very hard for a leader who didn’t lead his troops into battle.It’s the same in business.Most of the time we don’t have to face bullets,but we do have to face fierce internal and external competition,disagreement and stress.Supporting your team differences are resolved in private.
When the team closes ,the leader takes the responsibility.When the team wins ,everyone shares the glory.As the sign on the desk of the 33rd President of the United States,Harry S.Truman, stated ,”The buck stops here”.If this difficult and unpleasant,it’s the management job and the only way to ensure that your team will be behind you during the difficult times when you really need them.


The best automobile buid in 1995 in terms of quality would be considered an average quality car today.The speed of current computer chip doubles every 18 months.New business processes continually put pressure on established businesses.Competition gets tougher,change becomes more rapid, business becomes more global.You , your team and your organization must improve just to stay even.To get ahead ,you must improve constantly and rapidly.Continuous improvement is a way of life-for you,for your team ,for your organization.Your task is improve yourself and provide opportunities and resources for your team to improve as well.You are the only as good as your last success.


I have been in many companies that were going through difficult times.Many of these management teams were reluctant to tell their employees the true situation .Responses to question often ranged from “No comment”to “You have no need to know” to outright lies .Management feared what employees would do with the information .

But nature abhors a vacuum .In each case the rumor mill created a scenario that was far worse than the reality it replaced .In some cases ,when the difficult truth finally revealed ,employees were heard to say ,”Is that all?” You can’t expect employees to help in difficult times unless they are aware of the exact problem ,allowed to participate in the solution and given the understanding of what role they will play in the solution

The truth is simple ,but difficult .It is simple in that it’s easy to remember ,it fits the facts and no stories or other fabrications need be made up to create a false reality.It is difficult in that it can be hard to admit a shortcoming ,face the fire and express the contrition that telling the truth often entails.A problem cannot be effectively faced and solved, however ,until the truth comes out .

The command/ control manager could often create the reality for the organization and present it to employees on a “take it or leave it “ basic .The new millennium manager’s primacy asset is his or her reputation . Reputation in business today is hard to earn and , deceptive,leave an organization and start over, but it’s a risk and can be very disruptive to all concerned.As difficult as the truth can be ,the alternative is usually a risk not worth taking.


The business junkyard is littered with the carcasses of companies that once were large and successful, they began to defend their position and the status quo, rather than continuing to attack the market .Few entrepreneurial business outlast their founder .Fewer still last as an independent entity through second generation ownership.In the long view ,it’s clear that the risk averse business is in the slow process of failing .Even those that continue to exist often lose their position of dominance and become just another competitor .You can probably name as many organization names as I can .

If risk taking was important in more tranquil times ,it is critical today .The pace of business demands that a business organization be constantly vigilant to changes in technology , the marketplace and competition .Scott Blum ,founder of
And stateed, “The problem with the Internet is 80% of the business goes to No.1 ,15% of business goes to No.2 .Then Nos. 3 through 350 share 5% .”

The new millennium manager cultivates a cul ture of measured risk ,that is ,taking risk after appropriate analysis .The manager must be aware that no business decision is made with certainty .Information is partial ,analysis is incomplete and outcomes are probabilistic at best .

Success or failure must not be the only criteria by which a manager judges performance of the team.Although no organization can continue to exist in the face of constant failure, taking risk almost guarantees that failure will occur.If a team had given their best effort, that effort ,not the outcome,must be rewarded even if it was not successful .Failure to do so will ultimately result in a culture of risk aversion .Remember, failure of a team is primarily the responsibility of the manager .

Failures are often richer learning experiences than successes .They should be analyzed and as much information taken from them as possible .


All of us make many decisions each day that could be considered ethical .By this is meant the decision was correct and honest and took into account the best interests of all concerned .Although these are ethical decisions,they do not test the manager’s values,because ,in most cases,the decision made is in the decider’s own self interest.

The only time one’s values are tested is when the ethical decision is not in the person’s self –interest .These type of decisions - admitting a mistake ,correcting an error ,righting a wrong and the like – are difficult choices and can severely test one’s commitment to one’s values.In this sense ,the ethical decision is always the harder choice,because it is the choice that squares with the values of the individual making the decision,but is not in his or her best self –interest.In my view ,the ethical decision,although it may severely test an individual in the short term , is , in the long term ,always the right choice.

A strong set of values makes the choice easy, but the decision hard .The choice is easy because the moral philosophy of the individual clearly dictates what should be done .Deciding to take the ethical path will test the strength and limist of that moral philosophy .I hope that, in some small way ,this paper will cause you to consider this as you make decisions ,as a manager and as a human being .

Em xin chân thành cảm ơn những ai quan tâm và giúp đỡ!

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 REF: 254237

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REF: 253668

"Bánh ích" của bác Lynhat nầy sao mà đắt thế. Không phải bác lấy lời cắt cổ đễ khỏi làm "Ta ba lô" khi bác đi du lịch lần tới đấy chứ, hi hi hi? Sinnombre nghe nói ở VN có những dịch vụ phiên dich chỉ lấy 10,000 VNĐ một trang đánh máy thôi, c̣n thư t́nh th́ tiền công viết giùm là 5,000 VNĐ một lá c̣n vừa viết vừa đặt chuyện th́ là 7,500 VNĐ đó. Bác mờ lấy tiền công kiểu nầy th́ cho dù có làm như lời bác Kitharan nói đi nữa th́ cũng c̣n là cắt cổ đấy, hi hi hi.


Sinnombre lúc nào cũng rất vui khi giúp đỡ được cho những ai thật t́nh muốn học hỏi nhưng có thắc mắc và trở ngại (c̣n những ai đố khích th́ sẽ nhờ Lynhat cắt cổ, hi hi hi, hoặc mời đi dịch dụ 10,000 VNĐ/trang, hi hi hi.)

Nếu đây là bài học mà Conmeomeo đă cố gắng hết sức ḿnh nhưng vẫn c̣n khó khăn và trở ngại th́ Conmeomeo hăy đăng bài viết và bài dịch của ḿnh lên rồi những anh, chị, chú, bác ở Diễn Đàn sẽ giúp Conmeomeo mà không có lấy tiền như Lynhat đâu.

Thân mến,



 REF: 254257

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Conmeomeo thân mến,

Sinnombre vừa nhớ lại là mẹ của Sinnombre thường nói "giúp ngặc chứ không ai giúp nghèo." và giúp là vầy nè: Conmeomeo đi làm cu li ngày hôm qua được 50,000 VND, hôm nay lấy tiền làm được hôm qua đi chợ, mua gạo, muối, tiêu, tỏi, ớt, ng̣, hành, cá bông lao, bạc hà, giá, ṃ ôm, rau cải... và một năi chuối đễ ăn tráng miệng..... Đi chợ xong về nhà Conmeomeo mần cá, nấu cơm, nấu canh, kho cá, rửa rau.... Cơm canh nấu xong thơm phứt, Conmeomeo dọn cơm canh lên bàn, mời bố mẹ và cả gia đ́nh dùng cơm th́ mới chợt phát hiện ra là mấy trái ớt hồi nảy nhớ là có mua mà sao bây giờ không thấy, không có ớt th́ nước mắm sẽ mất ngon th́ làm sao mà ăn canh chua cá bông lao cho ngon được đây? Bố ḿnh lại thích phải có một chút ớt trong mỗi bữa ăn nữa..... T́m hoài, t́m măi mà không ra mấy trái ớt, chắc là mấy trái ớt nhỏ quá nên đă lọt giơ mất rồi.... Làm sao đây, công t́nh ḿnh nấu cơm canh ngon như thế nầy mà thiếu ớt thi bố sẽ chê.... Làm sao bi giờ?

Thôi th́ đành chạy sang nhà anh SINNOMBRE đễ nhờ anh ấy "GIÚP"....... Anh SINNOMBRE ơi, em nấu cơm canh xong hết rồi, ngon lắm, mời anh sang dùng cơm với gia đ́nh em, tiện thể anh "GIÚP" em cho em xin vài trái ớt sau vườn nhà anh v́ anh và bố em đều thích có một chút ớt trong mỗi bữa ăn.

Anh SINNOMBRE vội vă ba chân bốn cẳng, vui vẽ chạy ra sau vườn bẽ ớt đễ "GIÚP" Conmeomeo.

"GIÚP" theo mẹ của Sinnombre th́ là vậy đó. Hông biết Conmeomeo và các anh chị, bà con, cô bác ở đây có đồng ư hông nhỉ?

  góp ư kiến


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