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problogger music
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Music can be divided into two major types: vocal music and instrumental music, and can be roughly divided into classical music, folk music, original ecological music, modern music (including popular music) and so on. Among the art types, music is a relatively abstract art. Music can be divided into oriental music and western music in terms of historical development. The theoretical basis of ancient China, led by Chinese Han music in the East, is the pentatonic scale, that is, palace, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu, and the West is dominated by the seventh scale. The music is pleasing to the eyes and brings enjoyment to everyone. Music can improve people's aesthetic ability, purify people's hearts, and establish lofty ideals. We express our emotions through music, so that many of our emotions are released.

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 REF: 724130

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“”...Music can improve people's aesthetic ability, purify people's hearts, and establish lofty ideals. We express our emotions through music, so that many of our emotions are released.“

Âm nhạc có thể cải thiện khả năng thẩm mỹ của mọi người, thanh lọc trái tim của mọi người và thiết lập những lư tưởng cao cả. Chúng tôi thể hiện cảm xúc của ḿnh thông qua âm nhạc, để nhiều cảm xúc của chúng tôi được giải phóng.

* nhờ Google dịch hộ.



 REF: 724132

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mytamy -REF: 724130 -Date:06/12/2020

“”..., so that many of our emotions are released.“
""..., để nhiều cảm xúc của chúng tôi được giải phóng.

* nhờ Google dịch hộ.

Chị Mytamy ui,

"Google" mà dịch tiếng Mỹ ra tiếng Việt hay quá là hay của ḿnh th́ Té Giếng không hiểu ǵ hết "chơn" (hết trơn hết trọi) đó Chị ui.

""..., so that many of our emotions are released.“
""..., để thoát khỏi những mối xúc động của ḿnh.

Thân ái (ái = yêu = 爱),
Té Giếng.



 REF: 724144

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Well... how would you translate “escape “ then?



 REF: 724145

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arielle -REF: 724144 -Date:06/18/2020

Well... how would you translate “escape “ then?

Well... open your eyes, grab a dictionary and then look for "escape".

Well!!! Keep your ears open, your eyes open, grab everything you can, react, and learn!



 REF: 724147

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??? Sounds like somebody’s about to start a fight ???

Anyways, I went to open a WWW -WorldWideWeb- dictionary (not a actual printed dictionary, who uses those anymore these days?) with my eyes half closed because I was just got up. Yes, it’s only 4:30 in the morning (yawning...).🥱

And there it goes: Escape = Thoát khỏi.

Which left me thinking: if Escape means Thoát khỏi, then what would be the meaning of the word “Release”? There must be some other definitions specific to it...

Still, as curious as I was, I can’t seem to be able to bring myself back to the dictionary pages. With half of my mind was still in a bit of a daze 😴 ... the vague sounds of birds chirping in the distance and sight of scattered light peaking through the window sill was increasingly making me want to hurry back to catch up with whatever left of a precious yesterday.

So then. Sweet dreams! My love ??? Whoever is reading this on the other end...




 REF: 724149

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"My Love"!!! "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

"My Love"!!! "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, ......."

release /ri'li:s/
danh từ

sự giải thoát, sự thoát khỏi (điều lo lắng, sầu muộn, bệnh tật...)
sự thả, sự phóng thích
a release of war prisoners
sự phóng thích tù binh
sự phát hành (cuốn sách, bản tin); sự đưa ra bàn (một loại ô tô mới...)
giấy biên lai, giấy biên nhận
(pháp lư) sự nhượng lại; giấy nhượng lại
(vật lư) sự tách ra, sự nhả ra, sự giải phóng
energy release
sự giải phóng năng lượng
(kỹ thuật) cái ngắt điện
(kỹ thuật) sự cắt, sự tháo ra
(quân sự) sự ném, sự thả, sự cắt (bom); sự mở (dù)
sự giải ngũ, sự phục viên
(hoá học) sự bay ra, sự thoát ra (hơi)
ngoại động từ
làm nhẹ, làm bớt, làm thoát khỏi (đau đớn, sầu muộn, bệnh tật...)
tha, thả, phóng thích
to release a prisoner
tha một người tù
miễn, tha (nợ...), giải thoát
to release a debt
miễn cho một món nợ
to release someone from his promise
giải ước cho ai
phát hành (cuốn phim, bản tin...); đăng (tin); đưa ra bán (một loại ô tô mới...)
to release a new film
phát hành một cuốn phim mới
(pháp lư) nhường, nhượng
(vật lư) cắt ḍng
(kỹ thuật) nhả khớp, tháo ra, tách ra, cắt mạch
to release the brake
nhả phanh
(quân sự) ném, thả, cắt (bom); mở (dù)
(quân sự) cho giải ngũ, cho phục viên
(hoá học) làm bay ra, làm thoát ra (hơi)

escape /is'keip/
danh từ

sự trốn thoát; phương tiện để trốn thoát, con đường thoát, lối thoát
sự thoát ly thực tế; phương tiện để thoát ly thực tế
(kỹ thuật) sự thoát (hơi...)
cây trồng mọc tự nhiên (không do gieo trồng...)
to have a narrow (hairbreadth) escape
suưt nữa th́ bị tóm, may mà thoát được
ngoại động từ
trốn thoát, tránh thoát, thoát khỏi
to escape death
thoát chết
to escape punishment
thoát khỏi sự trừng phạt
vô t́nh buột ra khỏi, thốt ra khỏi (cửa miệng...) (lời nói...)
a scream escaped his lips
một tiếng thét buột ra khỏi cửa miệng anh ta, anh ta buột thét lên
nội động từ
trốn thoát, thoát
thoát ra (hơi...)
his name had escaped me
tôi quên bẵng tên anh ta



 REF: 724159

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我的爱 = Wǒ de ài = Mi Amor = Mon Amour = My Love!

Tiên học lễ, hậu học văn.
(Giáo dục là điều tất yếu để dẫn đến thành công.)

Cơm "Cha" áo "Mẹ" chữ "Thầy".
Gắng công mà học có ngày thành danh.

Thân ái (ái = yêu = 爱),
Té Giếng.



 REF: 724179

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This isn’t my topic or yours—even the gentleman who started this page might have already been long gone, abandoned his “brilliant” idea of creating this decent topic while promoting for some other dark websites—Then what are we doing here, actually?

Don’t we have more meaningful things to do in our life—Wouldn’t things like Netflix or Hoopla be more worthwhile—No, seriously, the world are getting back to its normal state, and I think we should too.

Not that I know for certain what is considered “normal “ and what’s not...

It feels like an abandoned field here at NhipCauDuyen lately; so eerily empty and quiet.

Making me fancy of an apocalypse ground where its inhabitants was being wiped out with only a few chosen ones spared to start over—like making babies and hunting for animals and stuff—oftentimes, however, I am terrified that if left alone continue down this path, NhipCauDuyen will eventually get to the point of so much destructive that it would just collapse and disappear altogether.

What will happen to our “nicks” then? Where would it goes? Will there be heaven for good nicks, and eternal punishment for bad ones?



 REF: 724181

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Người đăng: problogger
Tựa đề: problogger music
Nội dung: Music can be divided into two major types: vocal music and instrumental music,........

"Music"... eh!!!



 REF: 724182

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Người đăng: problogger
Tựa đề: problogger music
Nội dung: Music can be divided into two major types: vocal music and instrumental music,........

Vừa rồi nà "hông nời" (instrumental), bi zờ th́ "có nời" (vocal) đi nè, hihihiii.



 REF: 724233

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Dear Sinnombre,

Look at how Google converts my words into Vietnamese: “Thậm chí cả quư ông bắt đầu trang này có thể đă bỏ đi từ ​​lâu, đă từ bỏ ư tưởng sáng chói của ḿnh về việc tạo ra chủ đề phong nhă này trong khi quảng bá cho một số trang web đen tối khác”. Isn’t that amazing? There is no way in the world I can come up with Vietnamese like that on my own (or maybe I could, if I try eh 😉).

It’s quite an evolution, would you approve? Years ago in order to translate a sentence, one have to go word by word and hardly able to put it together in a way that makes sense.

Now it all happens with only a click away; I wonder what’s Google can do next? Translate the thoughts in our heads onto some kinds of readable format?

Well, that can be interesting...

...LY dangerous! I think.

For starters, let’s (try to) find out what a man’s intentions when he decided to send such a beautiful romantic music video Speak Softly Love to a stranger who is, until now, still decided to stay silent (perhaps that Problogger’s enjoyed watching us “arguing“ back and forth and chose not to disturb)., here is possible reason #1: He must have believed that this Probloger is all about music and that he actually cares about what he accidentally posted up there on a long, scorching summer night of June 11.

Reason #2, however, hypothesized that he was meant to send this particular lyric to the other person, but was afraid that she might takes it to heart and falsely believes that it meant what it said: We’re in a world, our very own, sharing a love that only few have ever known...

It was only a song! actually is one of the most romantic love song ever! which, when combined with images of candlelight, of red hearts confetti, and of sunset at the end of the horizon, had swept her off her feet.

Causing her to fall head over heels in amor. Like a train that was heading on the right track to the destination yet it felt so loss; so mysterious and uncertain she would not know what was going to happen...then unexpectedly, in the midst of those overwhelming emotions, the feelings of panic and despair of a long lost love flood back all at the same time.

These unexplainable sensations had flooded her world. It pulled her deeper and deeper into the eternity of that forever-meant-to-be kind of love; The kind of love that has the magic to stop the times and to make the whole world stood still but only for one; The kind that turn everything into cotton: so feathery it could simply float away into the bluest sky with a gentlest breeze...until it snapped.

THIS IS NOT REAL! It’s only for entertaining, she realized. It intends to soothe your restless heart (or stir up your simple, sad life) for only a brief moment—then it’s going to stop...just like Rain.

After the rain, there is water everywhere...


If this really meant to be a letter written to you, then I didn’t end it very well, did I?



 REF: 724236

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Dear Arielle,

"Silence is gold"!!!

Thân ái (ái = yêu = 爱),
Té Giếng.

"Khôn ngoan hiện ra mặt, què quặt hiện ra chân tay."

"Sông sâu sào ngắn khôn ḍ
Người khôn ít nói khó đo tấc ḷng."

"Chim khôn, tránh bẫy, tránh ḍ,
Người khôn tránh kẻ hồ đồ mới khôn."

"Khôn cũng chết, dại cũng chết, ai biết th́ sống."

"Chim khôn chưa bắt đă bay,
Người khôn chưa nói, dang tay đỡ lời."

  góp ư kiến


  Kí hiệu: : trang cá nhân :chủ để đă đăng  : gởi thư  : thay đổi bài  :ư kiến



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