Vietnam Single Tim Ban Bon Phuong  


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Date ngày Ghi Danh 8/7/2005 
Gender- Giới Tính Male (Female = nu, Male=nam)
Marital status Single 
Year Năm Sinh 1965 
City TP Melbourne  
Country Nước AU 
Height Cao 5 Feet 6 Inches (168 cm) 
Weight Nặng 150 lbs (69 kg) 
Religion Tôn Giáo Atheist
Education Học-Vấn BA/BS (4 years college) 
Occupation NN Youthworker 
Drinking Uống Rượu Not Drink 
Smoking Hút thuốc Light smoker 
About me Giới thiệu My name is Long, 40; single (not because being too much picky"!!!). I’m Viet-Chinese (my father is Chinese, my mother is Vietnamese). I have been living in Australia since 1980. In 1994, I realized that education was important which would give me more opportunities to achieve success for my life in future (In this sense, I am not a ambitious person); therefore I decided to go back school…Finally, I graduated with Bachelor of Art (BA) which cost me 5 years to complete, because on the threshold of study that my English was very poor so I had to learn more until it was adequate for further study. After graduating I worked as a social worker… Recently, I've just resigned my job due to going back to school in order to complete my Postgraduate course (MA) - Right now, I am not confident to tell you more detail because if I tell you more all about my attainment, I feel very reluctant, as it seems to me as though I polish myself as "self-conceited". Actually, I am inquisitive to know more about you so will you let me have the privilege to hear from you? A! Long biet doc va viet Vietnamese nhung co le khong duoc kha lam, vi the hien dang trau doi them Vietnamese va thuong hay xem bao Viet tren Internet… Tuy song o nuoc ngoai da lau nhung van con giu phong tuc tap quan cua nguoi Viet, cac mon an Viet van thich hon va dac biet hon nua thich lam ban voi Vietnamese girls…. Fianally,I have a lot of dreams as well as ambitions in my life but right now, I don't have chance to tell, I will only try by myself to step by step to get success in the future. 
Looking T́m Most people feel shy to write someone about making new friends. Because they aren’t sure how a new person will respond to them. In other words they feel as if they run the risk. But without taking risk, they miss out on the opportunity to get to know someone better. Therefore if you’re interested in me, write to me before you build up too much fear about doing it. Remember that you have the right to choose your friends. You don’t have to be friends with anyone you don’t want to be friends with. There are many, many people to choose from, and you have opportunities to make new friends all your life. Although you won’t be able to discover what someone is really like if you assume he is “bad”, “stupid”, or “evil”. Assumptions sometimes prevent you from enjoying all the different people around us. 

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