Minh ten Thuy Tien, thich doc sach, ve tranh dau phong canh, nau an, dac biet rat thich hoc them nhieu cac thu tieng tren the gioi.
Tien noi va viet tieng Viet rat it cho nen Tien sin loi nhe.
Tien set up this site vi muon co duoc access to this website de tra loi tho hoi am cho ban Tuan cho nen moi len day xem profile cua ban ay. Tien khong co du dinh truoc cho nen khong co hinh ready de post tren nay. Hom nao ranh Tien se up date sau.
Looking T́m
Tien muon tim mot nguoi that hien, co tinh cam, va vui ve, biet ton trong nguoi lon va le phep.