Vietnam Single Tim Ban Bon Phuong  


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Date ngày Ghi Danh 9/3/2006 12:09:22 PM 
Gender- Giới Tính Male (Female = nu, Male=nam)
Marital status Single 
Year Năm Sinh 1976 
City TP Santa Rosa  
Country Nước US 
Height Cao 5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm) 
Weight Nặng 130 lbs (59 kg) 
Religion Tôn Giáo Catholic
Education Học-Vấn BA/BS (4 years college) 
Occupation NN Consultant 
Drinking Uống Rượu Light Drinker 
Smoking Hút thuốc Non-Smoker 
About me Giới thiệu I am a career professional, single, no kids, no drama, who likes to crack jokes and laugh a lot. I am not very funny, but still working on it :) ... otherwise I'd probably be working as a comic. Oh and I am very good with computer.

H. mới dọn lên Santa Rosa theo công việc làm, trước đó th́ ở Hawaii (15 năm), Orange County (3 năm). H. thích nghệ thuật, âm nhạc, xem phim, tập thể thao, bơi lội, ngồi quán trà tán dóc, viết sách, bbq, camping, đi shopping (không phải thích mua sắm, nhưng lâu lâu đi mall coi có gí mới lạ), đi gym (24hour fitness), du lịch, ...

I moved to Santa Rosa to the call of a new job opportunity, before I live in Hawaii (15 years), and Orange County (3 years). I have a deep interest in art, music, movies, work out, swimming, teashop chatting, writting, bbq, camping, shopping (i am not a hardcore shopper, but I like to cruise mall sometimes to see what's new out there), go to the gym (24hour fitness), travel, ... 
Looking T́m I have just moved to Sanjose, soon going to Santa Rosa and I just feel like reaching out to cool people for friendship. I hardly know anyone here, just trying to fill the empty spaces of friends I had left back home. It is difficult, yet I believe a life with no challenge is not a life worth living. I rather leap into the unknown, do the best with what I have, and emmerge from it knowing I tried. Although I may not win some of the battles, but I will definitely win the war. I will have no regret.

Muốn kiếm bạn cùng sở thích hay khác sở thích cũng ok :), ở Santa Rosa để cùng tṛ truyện, trao đổi, học hỏi

Want to find friends with same (or different, it doesn't matter) interest living in Santa Rosa to talk with, exchange, learn from

Bạn phải là thành viên mới gởi thư được. Dịch vụ hoàn toàn miễn phí

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