Minh rat muon chia se cuoc song,vui buon voi moi nguoi vi dieu do lam cho minh khong cam thay co don.Rat vui neu ban se la 1 nguoi thich chia se va muon duoc se chia cung minh----My life so bored!I hope i can get alots of friends for sharing my life,every happiness-sadness...I hope you can be my friend!I wanna be with u!
Looking T́m
1 nguoi ban(chia se)-1 nguoi yeu(dang yeu va hap dan)-1 nguoi cung so thich(du lich)-1 nguoi tam dau y hop(co tat ca cac diem tren)----A Friends(for sharing)-A Honey(sweet and beatiful)-A partner(for go around)-And a wife(All of the up points!)