I am a simple man in life but decent in science. My character is sincere and straightforward.
Toi la 1 nguoi binh thuong trong cuoc song nhung ky luong trong khoa hoc. Tinh toi thanh that va thang than.
I like to learn from both academy and experiences.
Toi thich hoc tu ca 2 hoc thuat va thuc te.
My Viber is +1 323 977 9699.
Viber cua toi la +1 323 977 9699.
Looking T́m
I am looking for a Vietnamese girl who is from 18 to 25 Prefer Saigonese to get married.
Toi dang tim 1 co gai VN tuoi tu 18 den 25 de lam vo.
She should be nice looking and smart enough to share my business. She has a romantic in love and can sympathize me in most situations.
Nguoi do phai xinh xan va du thong minh de co the chia se cong viec cua toi. Co ta lang man trong tinh yeu va thong cam voi toi trong hau het cac tinh huong.